Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Different in between true love and love ?

Can anyone define the true meaning of love in a relationship? People often use the word "love" casually in everyday conversation. "I love this house. I love my dog. I love to grow vegetables." What does this really mean? When we use this word so often does its meaning become watered down so it has less impact? Different people may define love in different ways.

There are many ways of looking at this very common question that people ask; love and friendship: are they synonymous? The simplest answer to this is that love and friendship are not synonymous however friendship can lead to love. It basically depends upon a person's perception and how he sees a particular relationship specially that of friendship.

Even though Love and Lust make a person go through a particular range of emotions in actuality they are not identical. One should practically make out the differences between the two so as to get committed to a person based on one among these. It has to be noted that the distinction between the two is truly huge.

Many essential oils used in aromatherapy, including rose and jasmine, are believed to encourage loving feelings and/or to exert an aphrodisiac action. While essential oils of jasmine and rose appear similar at first glance-both are known for their enhancement of romantic love and lovemaking-they are really very different. Plants are alive and all living things are ensouled. This article discusses rose oil and jasmine oil from the perspective of their inner soul-nature (as elaborated by the Spiritual PhytoEssencing synthesis) and highlights their differences regarding romantic love, sexuality and the soul.

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